
MagicSnap is a passion project of mine that I started thinking about in late 2023. My robotics team was using teamsnap to manage our team at the time and none of us were happy with the experience. I remember thinking "Hey, I could probably make something better than this." and that envolved into this!

MagicSnap is a team management platform that is designed to be accessible, easy to use, and fun to interact with with a focus on FIRST robotics teams. I'm currently in the process of building the first version of the platform and I'm super excited to share it with the world!

How do I join?

Right now MagicSnap is in alpha and isn't quite ready for active use. If you are interested in joining any way, please reach out to me on Discord and I will get you and your team setup with an account!


Right now MagicSnap is in alpha and subject to rapid changes but here is a general list of the features that are currently implemented and are on the roadmap:

Feature Description Added
Sign-in with Slack Allows you to sign in with slack and auto asigns admins based on slack admin status. Fully Functional!
Team Creation Allows you to create a team and add team members. Fully functional but currently a manual process; working on transitioning to a auto invite system
Event Scheduling Allows teams to schedule and manage events and competitions. Finished! Awaiting user feedback
Team Management Allows teams to manage their team members and roles. WIP - Active Progress
FRC Dashboard Integration Enable easy adding of team members to your FRC Dashboard! Next up after team management

As you can see, there is a lot of work to be done but I'm super excited to share this with the world and I'm excited to see where this project goes!